Hot Water Springs of Eftalou
"...In Eftalou you are surrounded by smiling faces, those of the light-hearted people who welcome the stranger seeking a little water to quench his thirst from the well, behind the reeds'', wrote Ilias Venezis.
Eftalou lies 4 km NE of Mithymna, with its beautiful shores and crystal-clear waters.
There is a hot chlorinated spring with therapeutic properties for rheumatism, arthritis, coxalgia, lumbago, neuralgia, high blood pressure, arena, gynopathy and dermatopathy.
Organoleptic features of the water:
Lucidity: Total
Odour: None
Taste: Saline
Colour: None
Temperature: 46,5 C
Salt: 5,81 gr/kg of water
Sodium Chlorine: 4,08 gr per kg of water
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